Professional Transformation Coach with a Feasible Strategy and Measurable Plan
Main ways of producing Solution-Focused results that serve the world is to focus the mind and heart on who you are becoming— and not what you are overcoming.
Developing your Professional/Personal North Star with a Viable Plan
Personal & Professional Life’s Aspiration – Creation of Personal/Professional Life’s Aspiration Map
Opportunities – What opportunities do you have and how might you get it?
Implementation Plan – How might get it and what steps might you take?
Values Integration – What are your values and how do they integrate in with your Life’s Aspiration, Vision, and Values.
Career Management & Transition – Work with individuals to help them identify, set, and achieve their career goals. – Career Management & Transition Coach
Emotional Intelligence – Learn how you can boost your emotional intelligence, build stronger relationships, and achieve your goals. Build your Emotional Intelligence Using Mental Fitness To Tackle Today’s Leadership Challenges. Learn about PQ Positive Intelligence Program – PQ Program and detail offering